Relieves acute and chronic pain, Reduces inflammation, Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue, Increased microcirculation, Increased tissue and bone repair, Increased lymphatic response
Low-level laser therapy does not require constant, ongoing treatments, as is often required with traditional chiropractic or physiotherapeutic treatments. Many acute and chronic conditions can be improved or eliminated with laser use.
scapulohumeral periarthritis, tenosynovitis, lumbar disc herniation, tennis elbow, cervical spondylosis, rheumatic joint disease, gout femoral head necrosis, knee pain, heal pain, chronic joint bruising, calcaneal spur, osteoarthritis, acute lumbago.
Neurological Disease:
Prosopalgia, ischialgia, peripheral polyneuritis, intercostal neuralgia, femoral neurosis
Inflammatory Disease:
chronic pharyngitis, paradentitis, gingivitis, cholecystitis, acute chronic strain, sprain, bruising inflammation, neurodermatitis
Vascular Disease:
phlebitis, vasculitis, varicosity, the lower extremities are acute and chronic ulcers
Sports Injuries: Muscle tears, Tendon and ligament problems, overuse injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, knee/ ankle and foot pain, shoulder problems, foot conditions.
A laser therapy session typically lasts for a few minutes to around 15-30 minutes, depending on the specific condition being treated and the laser type which be used. If you use Domer Laser high intensity class 4 laser 980nm 60W, just 5-10 minutes per laser treatment. While if you use Domer Laser low intensity class 3B Handheld Laser, you should take 10-30 minutes per laser treatment.
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